Welcome to Islamic Academy of Riverside!

Dear Parents and Guardians:

Welcome to the Islamic Academy of Riverside. We are proud of our dedicated, experienced staff and enthusiastic learners!

As demands and complexities of teaching children increase, it becomes more evident that we all need to work together to insure that our children reach their potential. We believe that all of us – the school and the community – must work together in an extended family environment to insure success for all our students. We believe it is everyone’s responsibility to empower children with the creative, intellectual, and decision-making skills necessary for them to become academically, socially, physically, and emotionally successful and responsible. At the Islamic Academy of Riverside, we are especially fortunate to be located in great proximity to the Islamic Center of Riverside, which provides unlimited resources and support to the school.

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” Thirty years ago, the Islamic Academy of Riverside pioneered a new trail in the history of Islamic education by setting new heights of excellence in both academic and religious education. The Islamic Academy of Riverside is well established with a highly qualified, caring, and stable faculty which seeks to address the needs of their students, recognizing their special qualities and tapping into their varied interests and talents. We believe in providing a balanced curriculum that prepares our children academically and nurtures them spiritually. With this strong foundation, the school program allocates precious time to provide the additional focus on arts, technology, leadership, and service learning, in our effort to educate hearts and minds.

With that in mind, you are invited to be an active participant at the Islamic Academy of Riverside. Whether you are a classroom volunteer, a member of the PTO, special event participation, or member of one of our school communities, you are encouraged to be involved! Research on schools clearly demonstrates that parent participation in their child’s school coincides with a greater likelihood of academic success for their child.

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In the "note" section please indicate if you would like this to be directed towards our General, Construction, Endowment, PTO, or Zakat Funds. Any donations unspecified will be donated into the General Fund. Thank you for your generosity!

Latest News: February Snack and Supper Calendar

   Asalamu Alaikum,     Dear Parents,   Here is the snack and lunch calander for the month of February 2025 Thank you.

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IAR Programs